FOR   E--

by Mara Steele

For E--

It rains day after day and you pray for sun. I say let it rain. I feel like hitting something. I am unversed in how to manage this love so strong it could knock you dead.

I could not even speak to you. Hating you so much. Enduring that and returning with even more to contend with. Love. As yet ineffectual.

Making collages of you and for you, yet I know I will never show you. Planning these Friday nights and spending the rest of the time alone. So we do what? Pizza or pasta when my parents go out-- we turn on the music and t.a.l.k.

These nights alone I could kill. And they wonder why im so tired! To have a heart all twisted up inside so that you can't sleep and can't cry. To have to know it's all a dream.

I spend lots of time eating late at night. They dont know about the candy. That's why I don't lose weight. I want a big ass anyway.

Mara Steele likes french fries, and girls most of the time...after high school she is running away with a german dwarf in search of Tom Waits and the european traveling circus. Her superpowers will conquer all... and romance will blossom in the secretest places; overseas, hitchhikes, midnight, velvet, punk rock.

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Grrowl! E-Zine © 1997, Amelia E. Wilson. All rights reserved. Works copyrighted by their individual authors.

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